Saturday, April 26, 2008

Llúpuls i Llevats - Glops

How Llúpuls i Llevats started

Llúpuls i Llevats, located in l´Hospitalet de Llobregat, about 20 minutes from Barcelona, started its artisanal beer at November 2005. Àlex Padró, the founder of Llúpuls i Llevats, thanks to a trip to Germany discovered the artisanal beers and began its dream a reality: he wanted to have an artisanal beer company like the ones he saw in Germany. So he studied at the University and met Steve Huxley, a brewmaster from Liverpool that had made the best Ales from Barcelona and Steve taught him the art of making artisanal beer.

Steve, Àlex and other friends founded their first brewery and during 10 years they enjoyed and perfected their technique for making artisanal beer. At the beginning of 2005 Àlex decided to start his own beer business (Llúpuls i Llevats) with his girlfriend Carme Valero and another friend, Raul Ramírez. Since then we have had the pleasure of tasting one of the best beers of Barcelona: Glops.

Glops, the name of their beer

Llúpuls i Llevats Team started making:

Glops Torrada (Lager, Munich style)
Glops Fumada (Lager, Rauchbier style)
Glops Negra (Lager, Swartzbier style)
Glops Blanca (Ale, White beer style)

This four beers are made using nothing more than water, barley malt, hops and yeast, without any additives, filtering or pasteurization. The beers have an alchohol content around 5%, 15 Kcal/100g ( 45 Kcal per bottle) and group B vitamins.

Right now you can also find in shops two more beers:

Glops Rossa (Lager, Pilsen style)
Glops d´Hivern (Ale)

Information taken from Llúpols i Llevats.

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